Most people understand the importance of training for dogs. In addition to keeping them safe and happy, a well-trained dog equals a sane dog guardian!

While some dog owners are able to train their pet/service animal on their own, most of us need the help of an experienced dog trainer – and we welcome that assistance. However, finding one may not be that simple!

Today, dog training has become a booming industry with some trainers only using reward and some only using correction or punishment. As the dog Mama of a Rottweiler who is a companion, service dog and advanced obedience partner, I’ve tried a few trainers, and this is what I have learned: Every dog is different! What may work for one dog definitely won’t work for another.

What led me to join TEAM-K9 and train with Glen Ramcharan is Glen’s use of multiple techniques and styles of training. It’s what we like to call balanced dog training. With Madden, I have seen the use of both reward AND correction to really bring out the best in him, and that philosophy has really strengthened our bond. Glen is also always open to my cornucopia of questions and will come up with an alternative approach for Madden and I if something isn’t working the way it should.

At the end of the day, your dog is for YOU! So, finding a trainer and training your dog needs to be a very personalized process. My advice is to shop around, ask to drop in on a trainer’s class and watch her/him in action. See how the dogs already training with them behave, and talk to them about what you want to accomplish with your animal. Whatever trainer or methods you decide to use, the ultimate outcome should be a balanced, well-trained dog that will allow you to build an even greater bond.